Two Different Governance in one Government

Its about assistance during natural disaster like floods, fire and so on. When Sarawak longhouses were gutted by fire or longhouse submerged under water there will be 2 likely decision by local politicians and government official.Of course politician and government officials are the same cloud.
They will say we will monitor the situation and so far we have not receive any report. This is a crime committed upon those affected. The incident are seen and published while they wait for report. Even they receive report they will say no money allocated. Even if there is money allocated, they will say no infrastructure. Thats happening in Sarawak.
While in another situation in another Malaysia  (western States) its different. Action seem to be better off. is this because the area is under the nose of the federal ministers or something else. There seem to no money issues in Sarawak states when immediate needs are crying knocking at the door. What happen to all the taxpayers money? The royalty money? To settle simple court case or to conduct public forum have no immediate money to use? Something have spoil the system.
The system is building some hatred toward potential harmonious society.


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